Elnaz Javani

Elnaz Javani is an Iranian artist, researcher, and educator currently residing in Chicago. She received a bachelor of fine arts from Tehran University of Art and Masters in Studio Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she was the recipient of the New Artist Society Merit Scholarship. Elnaz Javani works between the media of drawing, installation and textiles. She uses fragmented images and language, incorporating a wide range of media to explore the issue of identity and place, both collective and individual. She also seeks to define and codify her composite identity in relationship to her environment.

Javani is a current fellow at the Define American and Kala Art institute. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in the USA, Spain, Iran, France, Colombia, Turkey, UAE, Germany and Switzerland, such as at the CAC Ses Voltes International Residency Program (Spain), the Luminas’ Cultural Foundation of Visual Arts and Sullivan Galleries (Chicago), the Mottahedan Projects (Dubai), the Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal USA Presidential Award Exhibitions (Chicago), The Munich cultural center at Pasinger Fabrik (Germany), “Le Commun”Bâtiment d’Art Contemporain (Geneva), San Telmo Museum, Galicia Contemporary Art Centerand Arts Santa Mónica Barcelona (Spain), and at Espacio El Dorado Bogotá (Colombia).